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The importance of screw compressor oil separator element in the
Oil and gas separation element is a key component of the decision screw compressor air-quality, high-quality oil and gas separation element air compressor not only ensures high efficiency operation, and filter life of up to thousands of hours. Compressed air from the air compressor head out of the large and small oil droplets entrained. When large droplets easily separated by the gas separation tank, and small droplets (diameter 1um or less suspended oil particles) must be filtered through a gas separation filter micron and glass fiber filter layer. Oil particles through diffusion filter, the filter was blocked directly agglomeration and inertial impaction mechanism, the compressed air suspended oil particles quickly agglomerate into large droplets under gravity oil accumulation in the bottom of the oil core through the bottom recess head lubricating oil return pipe imports return system, so that the air compressor discharge more pure oil-free compressed air. Compressed air through the solid particles remain in the oil core when filter layer, which leads to oil core pressure (resistance) is increasing. With the growth of oil core time when oil core pressure reaches 0.08 to 0.1Mpa, the filter must be replaced, otherwise the increase in compressor operating costs (power). Many parts screw compressor air filters, oil filters, etc. are very important, more than a trade Xin Bengbu Compressor Manufacturing Co. summary of important oil and gas separation elements |